
Showing posts from June, 2021

Mumbai, Petrol will Cross 130Rs?

 Mumbai, Petrol will Cross 130Rs Current Mumbai Petrol Price... Mumbai, Petrol price may go up to 130/- rs, current research says... It may not be sounding real to you, but the experts have already predicted in early 2021 that the petrol price will cross 100rs, and today many cities in India paying more than 105 rs for petrol. And now the expert says it may cross 130/- rs.  If you are now aware, the domestic petrol and diesel price are linked with  global crude prices. It means if crude prices drop in the international market, then prices in retail should come down too. But this is not the case most of the time. Despite a huge drop in international crude rates, Indians are paying way too higher for petrol and diesel. So far in June, the auto fuel prices have been raised on five occasions. Separately, they were hiked 16 times in the month of May after oil marketing companies (OMCs) resumed their price revisions ending an 18-day hiatus that coincided with the assembly elect...

Today's Trending News

 Today's Trending News Making India a China? Delhi cops visiting the twitter office to serve notice about an "Investigation" into its intel on classifying Indian politician's tweets s misleading. Twitter called the move a form of intimidation.  Question? is not about complying with the new government policies, it's about the strict action taken by  the government after "Twitter" mark top BJP politician as a "Manipulated Media" Twitter and WhatsApp are the giant social media platforms not only in India but on a global level, and the current action was taken by the current government (BJP) straight highlights some undemocratic acts.  India is becoming china, its a big allegation but if you check the data and action taken by the Indian government from 2014 puts doubt in our mind.