New India 2022

New India 2022 Till April 2022 | India is rapidly moving towards in making of New India. In this New India, the following things will be wiped out Soon, claimed by the top radical groups such as RSS, Bajrang Dal, and VHP, which are highly supported by Top Bjp's Minister. Things which they focus to wiped out are: Minorities Rights Minorities Population No More Voting System Killing Democracy Making India One Religion Country And, How this will be achieved By following British rule Divide & Rule And, congratulation they have smartly and strongly implemented this and the result can be seen, Till today, Apr 2022, it’s happening on a large scale, fearlessly, in open, in public on camera. Before 2014 yes it was there, but not with this large strength and scale. It can be seen, feel, and easily understood from where the air of hatred and “don’t stop” power of attorney are signed by whom to carry on such inhuman hate speeches, killing and raping threats happening in almost all p...