Operation "Muskaan" by Mumbai Police "Crime Branch" | 28th Aug 2021

Operation Muskaan | Crime Branch, Mumbai Police Shaifal Sayyed | Crime Branch it's a great day for us, one more victory by the Mumbai police where they traced 145 missing children in the month of July, it's now the 10th successful operation conducted by Mumbai police coordinated by DCP, crime branch. Operation MUSKAAN is an initiative of the Ministry of Home Affair s (MHA) to rescue/rehabilitate missing children. It is a dedicated campaign for a month where several activities are taken up by the State Police personnel to trace and rescue the missing children and reunite them with their families. Approximately 100 plus Police officers of various ranks were sensitized and trained about the issues related to missing children Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act, Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) JJ Act, Protection of Child Rights Act, relevant sections of Cr.PC & IPC and Advisories issued by MHA etc. The trained officers visited various p...