2022 - The World Press Freedom Index | India

2022 - The World Press Freedom Index INDIA India, known as the world's largest democracy, where for the last 8Eight years the Prime Minister has not taken a single press conference, WHY? Except once where he refused to answer any question, WHY? The Prime Minister did selective Prime Time with the selective news channel, WHY? Violence against minorities rapidly increasing in India, WHY? Who and What are fuelling these attacks,,, The ruling regime of India is BJP and its ideology belongs to its parent organization RSS, which believes that India should become a Hindu nation and for this they are pushing Hindus aggressively across India. Most of the opposition political parties have abandoned the Muslims because they fear that If they talk for them, they will be targeted as pro-Muslims then the Hindu vote share will go down Even the layman people are now aware but the media is silent and helping BJP to help to fuel the hatred and communal tension. How long India will be able to hold th...