Is It you in the Video? New Cyber Hack biting Facebook User's Stay Alert!!!

 New Cyber Hack biting Facebook User's Stay Alert!

New Social Media, Cyber hack

By Shaifal Sayyed   Published: Sat 10 Jun 2022, 12:00 AM

                                       Last updated: Sat 10 Jun 2022, 12:25 PM

It's you in the Video?

Followed by the Link….

Some of you have got these types of messages on your Facebook messenger mostly from your friends circle, unfortunately you have been spammed, and some of you might be getting into this trap soon, so stay ALERT. 

There is a new cyber hack, which rapidly increasing, especially on Facebook Platform, this new cyber threat is so dangerous that once you clicked the LINK, it will by itself start forwarding personal messages in all your contacts within that specific social platform with the hack links.

Not just that, there is a high chance this hack is capable enough to store all your personal data, including messages, most shockingly storing deleted messages in all form of text, pictures, and videos to its personal server.

(Personal Server: Date is now the key, so hackers have their own digital secure bucket box, where they store all this stolen data)

In my conversation with one of UAE’s top smart solution company founder, Mr. Ubaid, he briefly explained me how dangerous it can be. 

From Covid-19 period, we have noticed a hike in such spamming links in all social media and pay app’s platforms (Money Transfer App), some of spam links are so strong that can only be built by the organization or required a specific specialize team. These links are so strong it directly crack out your personal information, including your sign in password associated with the hacked accounts.

The one you showed me (It's you in the video) its fall in medium risk factor, to be more precise on 1 to 10 scale, one is the lowest and 10 is the highest, its score 5.5, He stated

Only precaution which we should be considering, is avoid clicking on any links even If it comes from your friend’s circle, better to confirm and be aware about clicking on any links coming from any sources or claiming, offering something out of the blue.

For your information, there are cases In India where few independent journalist, social workers, were got seriously spammed, and section like TADA, Terrorist and Disruptive Activities (Prevention Act) has been imposed on them, because of such spamming links which they clicked.

These links were sending threats, anti-social content from the victim email id without his knowledge and also capable of storing such fringe elements into their computer.

Which resulted very serious consequences.

Today “it’s you in the video”

Tomorrow it might be “I’m sharing this with you please don’t share it”

Followed by the spamming link.


Once in life time offer, grab it before it’s over!!! Click now!!!

So the only precaution which will help you to not get hacked and spammed, lies in your self-control, how you manage your mind to not fall for such links, no matters how lucrative they are, this is the only key to avoid such hacks.

And remember, these links are highly lucrative. 

Remember, Staying Aware is very good practice of Staying Safe


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